
To be a sustainable business brand, organisations must play their part in shaping the next economy – a world that will be greener, smarter and more inclusive.

We partner with our clients to co-create future thinking on the issues that will shape this new world. Together, we build long-term platforms that help our clients build their reputation, deepen their relationships, generate revenue, and achieve real-world change. 

Leading the conversation on themes ranging from sustainability to the future of work to the future of cities, we create content that has a sustained impact on the future of everything

The Future of Sustainability and ESG

Decarbonising our economy to combat climate change is the challenge of our lifetime, and business has a critical role to play. Our sustainability-focused thought leadership campaigns range from Zeronomics, which examines the economics of global net zero transition, to the annual Sustainable Cities Index, which ranks the performance of 100 cities worldwide based on People, Planet and Profit. Our award-winning Pathway to Inclusive Investment campaign demonstrates how increasing female financial inclusion can change the world, while our Aquanomics campaign highlights the urgency of investment in water resilience. See our work here.

The Future of Finance

We believe that finance can help to build a greener and more equitable world. Our Opportunity 2030 campaign examined how investment can be mobilised to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and our Just In Time campaign explored how to close the capital gap to ensure a just transition. Pain to Net Gain explored how banks are the most effective activists driving corporate transition, while Accounting For A Better World redefined the role of accountancy in shaping a fairer, more resilient future. See our work here.

The Future of Digital and Technology

Advances in technology are transforming every aspect of our society. Our campaigns explore the impact of technology innovation from the metaverse, AI, machine learning and big data analytics, to digital transformation and sustainable computing. Our award-winning campaign platform for Citrix includes the visionary Work 2035 and the Born Digital Effect. Our Evolution of the Agile Organisation campaign engaged the C-Suite by proving the business case for agile, while our Supermarket C-Suite campaign used an immersive event concept that enabled retail leaders to discover how Google Workspace could work for them. See our work here

The Future of Trade

The intricate networks that connect global industries are being reshaped by geopolitical events, emerging investment trends and huge leaps in technological progress. Our long-term client partnerships with trade finance banks and global supply chain and logistics leaders has enabled us to pioneer issues from democratising access to global trade to envisioning a sustainable trade future. Our trade thought leadership includes inventing the Goods Export Monitor, the G7 to E7 Emerging Market Trade Performance Index and Carbon Dated, which measures the opportunity and risk of net zero supply chains. See our work here.

The Future of Work

The world of work is where today’s great technological leaps forward are happening. Our campaigns explore innovation where people and technology come together. Our multi award-winning Global Talent Crunch campaign reinvented labour force economics and was the first study to forecast the global talent shortage. Meanwhile our Self-Disruptive Leader campaign invented a new model of corporate leadership for volatile times. Our technology campaigns range from the Born Digital Effect, which quantifies the trillion dollar impact of young workers to Work 2035, which radically reimagines our working future. See our work here.

The Future of Cities

What will the next ecosystems of energy, industry, services, people, mobility and infrastructure look like? Our campaigns help clients imagine how cities will be impacted by forces including talent, mobility, energy networks and 5G. Our award-winning future of cities work includes the annual Sustainable Cities Index and our Supercharging Net Zero and Accelerating the EVolution campaign series. See our work here

The Future of Wealth Management

With great wealth comes great responsibility. Our award-winning Pathway to Inclusive Investment campaign demonstrates how increasing female financial inclusion increases global responsible investment. Our World Shaping Wealth study examines the role of UHNW “affluencers” in shaping the new economy, while our Wealth Expectancy campaign invented a new way of measuring prosperity for the emerging affluent in high growth markets. See our work here

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) is essential for shaping a fairer world. Championing access and opportunity across all sectors is the key to reaching untapped talent, expertise and ideas, and unlocking potential. Our DEI experience ranges from market-changing thought leadership campaigns on inclusion, to the creation of corporate DE&I strategies.  

Our award-winning Pathway to Inclusive Investment campaign champions global female financial inclusion, while Man Bites Dog’s own campaigns on The Gender Say Gap and The Gender News Gap shine a light on inequality in the media and public life. See our work here.

Contact us to kick-start your future thinking.

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+44 (0) 1273 716 820
[email protected]

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Moore House
13 Black Lion Street
United Kingdom

London Office
24/25 The Shard
32 London Bridge Street
United Kingdom

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