Man Bites Dog features in Jack Berkovi's 'Effective Client Management in Professional Services'

Posted on December 9, 2014 by Man Bites Dog

Man Bites Dog is thrilled to announce that it features in a pivotal new book by Jack Berkovi on client management in professional services – one of the most talked about subjects of today.

The 376-page hardback first edition of Jack Berkovi’s Effective Client Management in Professional Services is an essential read for anyone interested in how to embed a culture of client-centricity in all the activities of a professional services firm.Effective Client Management in Professional Services Jack Bervoki

Featuring a new Client Management Model (featured above), and more than twenty contributors – including Claire Mason, founder and managing director of Man Bites Dog, who talks about differentiation and the power of commercially effective ideas – the book is a comprehensive guide to everything from orientation and how clients buy professional services to brand, reputation, relationships, proposals and innovation.

Jack Berkovi has worked in brand and client service roles for a myriad of complex global B2B and professional services firms, including PwC, Savills and most recently Grant Thornton where he was head of brand and client care.

The book is available to buy from the Gower Publishing website.


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