Blog Bundle: How to Create Marketing Ideas that Sell

Posted on January 19, 2016 by Lauren Greatorex

Over the last few months, our ‘No Idea’ blog series has sought to help marketers generate ideas that sell.

The blogs were based around one central principle. That B2B businesses can only win the attention – and ultimately the business – of senior decision makers through the quality of their thinking.

Our team feels strongly about getting real ROI from marketing ideas so we thought we’d collate their opinions and advice. They certainly had plenty to say (summarised below)…

For more info and tips check out the full blogs or download the 4D framework we use to develop ideas. The framework can be found in this free ebook: No Idea? The Marketer’s Guide to Generating Ideas that Sell.

  1. The problem? - B2B brands all look the same

I kick-started the series by lamenting the fact that B2B businesses employ some of the smartest people on the planet and yet everyone makes the same superior claims about their products and services.

I think that most businesses are better than that – they’re full to the brim with great ideas, experts, IP and insight. It’s the collective thinking of their people that makes them distinctive and will enable them to stand out from the competition.

Marketers make the same claims

  1. The solution? - Why the role of B2B marketers has never been so important and how to be the best

Rachael has similarly strong opinions… She believes that to sell to the C-suite these days, you need compelling content that teaches them something new about their business –  not ‘me too’ sales messaging.

She argues that ‘commercial selling’ is the way forward and that B2B businesses (and marketers specifically) should take the time to develop a commercially effective idea in the first place.

  1. How? - Good genes: Unravelling the DNA of an award-winning idea

Revelling in the afterglow of another award win, Alex explains how The Sustainable Cities Index (our work with natural and built asset consultancy, Arcadis), inspired action, discussion and engagement, as well as plenty of trophies!

Alex also shares the key components of a commercially effective idea. FYI – it’s not rocket science, it’s biology… Ideas need to make the audience ‘think’, ‘feel’ and ‘do’.


  1. Originality: - Generate original ideas that sell

Tara says - “A good idea can indeed be dangerous – for competitors – and when it is original, has commercial purpose and solves the problems of the person behind the job title, it will stop people in their tracks.”

In this blog, she explains how to generate an original idea that will sell using Man Bites Dog’s ‘originality scale’.

  1. Relevancy: - Marketing ideas that stick, via Steinbeck and Scotland Yard

Vicky takes us on a literary voyage, and asks: “When communicating with hundreds, or sometimes thousands of people, how do you make every individual feel like they’re the only one in the room?”

Her answer? “To have a shot at this difficult feat, you need a truly relevant idea.”

Vicky explains how to get to the ‘a-ha’ moment by using intelligence and stress-testing ideas on Man Bites Dog’s ‘relevancy scale’.

  1. Audience response: - Lights, camera…but are your marketing ideas provoking action?

Clare rounds off a trio of advice blogs by helping marketers identify ideas that have such a strong call to action that the audience can’t help but feel compelled to do something about it.

To do this, she talks through our ‘audience response’ scale. Rather than send your audience to sleep (“Zzzzzzz”), your ideas should make them say “I hadn’t thought of that; tell me more, I need to act!”

Clare also explains the three fail-safe ways to provoke an audience response:

- Pot of gold

- Ticking time bomb

- Boiling frog

Intrigued? Well, why don’t you take action and read our blogs… (see what we did there!)



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