Energy & resources Marketing

We partner with some of the biggest business brands in the energy and resources sectors to deliver thought leadership campaigns that deliver business growth and motivate action. 

Man Bites Dog works with our clients across the energy and resources ecosystem to create big thinking campaigns on energy transition that motivate action and generate business growth.

Energy and resources firms, and the banks and investment firms that finance them, are playing a fundamental role in building a more sustainable and resilient world. However, these businesses are facing challenges on multiple fronts, ranging from supply chain disruption, digitization and the energy transition to critical mineral access and the challenge of generating profitable growth from greener business models.  

This often means our work often goes beyond marketing communications to advising on reshaping sales and marketing operations and business models. With the energy and resources sectors experiencing unprecedented change, we work with organisations to help grow their Next Economy services – developing new value propositions, marketing, thought leadership and sales enablement campaigns to support new offers from CCS and hydrogen production, to electric vehicle infrastructure, sustainable data centres and green steel production.

Our work explores some of the biggest issues impacting the world today:

  • Energy security
  • Resource scarcity
  • Green steel
  • Low carbon industrialisation
  • Supply chain sustainability
  • Industrial AI & robotics

Built environment, infrastructure and engineering


SHOCKED strengthened professional services firm GHD’s position as an energy thought leader by revealing that the global energy crisis led to a $203 billion hit...

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Built environment, infrastructure and engineering

GHD: Aquanomics

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Financial services

Standard Chartered: Opportunity 2030

Opportunity2030 revealed the $10 Trillion investment opportunity in the UN Sustainable Development goals.

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Advanced manufacturing and mobility

Castrol: Accelerating the EVolution

Accelerating the EVolution revealed the tipping points that would supercharge mainstream electric vehicle adoption.

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“SHOCKED has given us a powerful platform to promote our Future Energy practice at the time our clients and the wider industry need us most. Since launch, the bespoke market data and insights uncovered by the campaign have helped drive profitable discussions with key clients and prospects across the globe.”  
Tej Gidda, Vice-President and Global Future Energy Leader, GHD 

Built environment, infrastructure and engineering, Energy and resources, Insights, Sustainability

Watch our webinar for tips on navigating B2B sustainability marketing communications

Our ‘Much Ado About Greenhushing’ webinar explores how communicators can navigate the thin green line of sustainable messaging and authentically articulate their organisation’s perspective on the sustainable transition using data-backed thought leadership.

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Insights, Sustainability

Green vs. Greening vs. Greenwashing: A Grey Area

The logic chain of carbon reduction sounds straightforward and it goes like this: Carbon is bad, reducing carbon is good; therefore companies that produce a lot of carbon emissions are bad, and reducing these companies...

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Contact us to develop your next campaign.

Get in touch

+44 (0) 1273 716 820
[email protected]

Head Office
Moore House
13 Black Lion Street
United Kingdom

London Office
24/25 The Shard
32 London Bridge Street
United Kingdom

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